Code of Conduct

#a11yTO is a firm believer in diversity and inclusion within our team and at all of our events. We believe that all people need to be treated with empathy and respect. These guidelines allow everyone to see our dedication towards providing a harassment-free experience for everyone.

We will enforce this code and expect cooperation from all event participants, to ensure a welcome and safe environment for everybody. Our code of conduct is meant as a measure to help us to address issues consistently and effectively, should any arise. Therefore all attendees, speakers, partners, sponsors and volunteers at all our events are required to abide by the following policy.

Our policy

We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Harassment includes: the use or enabling of discriminatory language and imagery targeted at gender, gender identity and expression, disability, age, sexual orientation, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or technology choices; displaying sexual images in public spaces; deliberate or implied intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other activities; inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

These forms of harassment are not appropriate for any venue (virtual or in-person), including Meetups, Camp, Conf., talks, workshops, socials, or any #a11yTO affiliated online media. #a11yTO event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or removed from our events without a refund (should one apply) at the discretion of the #a11yTO Team organizers.

You have every right to your feelings

If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, or feel you are being harassed we encourage you to bring the incident to our attention.

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can talk directly to a member of our team. #a11yTO staff will be introduced at smaller events and can be identified at larger events as we will be wearing #a11yTO branded t-shirts. Or, if you prefer, you could talk to a trusted 3rd party in attendance at the event who would report on your behalf.

If you notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of our staff immediately so that we can support you and help to resolve the situation.

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope that you can help us to maintain a safe and harassment free environment at our events.

Our Sponsors

If you are interested in sponsoring #a11yTO, please email us at